Tuesday, December 11, 2012

InDesign Article: Re-create Magazine Spread

This is the re-creation of a real magazine spread that features Emma Stone. I did this using InDesign. This was much more challenging to create in comparison with the first magazine article I did because I had to learn to become more conscious of every little detail. This definitely helped me to be more confident with using InDesign as a whole.

InDesign Article 1

This is my “dummy” article which was created using InDesign. I became familiar with things like resizing images, spacing, different text options, wrap-text, and more.

Illustrator Final Part 3/3

This is part 3 of 3 of my Illustrator final project. I used the pen tool to recreate a third fashion sketch image that I found online. This is my favorite of the three.

Illustrator Final Part 2/3

This is part 2 of 3 of my Illustrator final project. I used the pen tool to recreate a second fashion sketch image that I found online. I felt that the more I worked on these, the better I got at the pen tool so I am very happy with this image.

Illustrator Final Part 1/3

This is part 1 of 3 of my Illustrator final project. I used the pen tool to recreate a fashion sketch image that I found online. I was very excited because I was starting to really become comfortable with the pen tool here and I was having a lot of fun with it.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Illustrator Export to Photoshop 2

This is my second box image that I created first in Illustrator then exported to Photoshop. Again, I just brought it into Photoshop so that I could play around with the image in different ways and add to it so that overall it would be more interesting. Here, when I created the original image in Illustrator, I was able to use the pen tool (which I was not comfortable with yet when I created the first box assignment). I used the pen tool to create the flower pedal look coming out of the center of the image.

Illustrator Export to Photoshop 1

This is an image that I originally created in Illustrator. This was where I learned to export the image to Photoshop to work with it from there. I was able to add layers and bring in new images, play with the text, etc. to make it more interesting.

Photoshop Final Project 4/4

This is part 4 of 4 of my Photoshop final project. Here I used my own two images. One is of the man with the camera and the other is of the tan wall behind him (that sort of overpowers the brick wall from the first photo). There is also an image of stacked newspaper from Google at the bottom of the image in the center (on the recycling bin). I wanted to demonstrate my understanding of layer masks, text, color, and image size in Photoshop.

Photoshop Final Project 3/4

This is part 3 of 4 of my Photoshop final project. Here I used my own two images. One is a close up of the front of a vintage Ford truck and one is a close up of construction rods. I wanted to demonstrate my understanding of layer masks, text, color, and image size in Photoshop.

Photoshop Final Project 2/4

This is part 2 of 4 of my Photoshop final project. Here I used my own image of a person playing the piano and my own image of trees close up and out of focus (top right of the image). The stacked newspaper image is from Google. I wanted to demonstrate my understanding of layer masks, text, color, and image size in Photoshop.

Photoshop Final Project 1/4

This is part 1 of 4 of my Photoshop final project. Here I used my own image of the man in the photo and the newspaper showing through on the brick wall was an image I got from Google. I wanted to demonstrate my understanding of layer masks, text, color, and image size in Photoshop.

Shrek Silhouette

This is my pen tool silhouette created in Illustrator. With this, I took an image of Shrek from Google and traced it using the pen tool. This was a challenge because I traced the image trying to catch every detail of Shrek's silhouette so I did the entire image on extreme zoom. Although this was time consuming, it was well worth the effort because, to me, this is very clearly Shrek's silhouette.

Pen Tool

This is my first attempt with getting familiar with the pen tool in Illustrator. This was an existing document where I just traced over the lines on the page initially. Then, as I got more comfortable with the tool, I was able to create my own designs off of the existing ones and change the placement, color, etc.


This is the pear image that I created using Illustrator. The newest challenges I faced with this image was using the pen tool to trace and create new shapes, using the gradient tool, and using the rotation tool. This one took a bit longer than any of the Illustrator files I created prior to this but in the end I was very happy with the final look and I felt that I learned a lot about Illustrator through this assignment.


This is when I was still just getting familiar with Illustrator. Here I created a grid and was able to design just 1/4 of the grid initially with different colors and shapes. I then learned to copy over those shapes, colors, and images so that they mirrored correctly into the other 3/4 of the overall grid.