Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Layer Mask Images

These are four selection images that I created after learning layer masks and incorporating those. For these I have used both images of my own and images found online. My favorites are definitely the two on the right. I think those look the most seamless and well put together. They also are the two most interesting to me. I had a lot of fun making each of these -- I've definitely learned more Photoshop in just a few weeks than I thought I ever would!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

This is my altered self portrait. I used the Deke's Techniques from Lynda.com - 026 Turning a photo into an ink drawing. I followed each step, however, did not use the exact same amounts of alterations on each setting as Deke did. I wanted to keep some of the color and really get the outline of those circle effects in the background (result of camera being set to have a small depth of field). This process consisted of turning the photo into a smart object, applying five different filters to the photo, a copy of the photo being re-layered onto the adjusted photo, using the adjustments panel, changing the blending options, and a few other steps in between. Deke mentioned that a few of the filters used wouldn't normally be good to use such as the "Smart Blur" but I still found it interesting to have exposure to these tools and see the effects each of them have on the image.

Re-sized "In Class" Assignment

This is the image I created using the skills that we learned in class last week. I re-sized the images and pasted them into a new document of the proper size. Using the ruler tool, I was able to place them evenly on the new canvas. Once placed, I messed around with options in the "Layer Style" and Image>Adjustments. For this finished effect I used a Drop Shadow, Stroke, and different Hue/Saturation and Brightness/Contrast options. There were many other options, of course, that I did not use here. These skills are important to know because it's pretty basic ways to change the image that will likely be used often. Having to re-size an image or adjust settings (not necessarily to this extreme) is something people are looking to do all the time -- even with photos that they take on their phone. Also, the skills we have learned so far are not just things that are commonly used. We have options to give the photo a little something extra such as the Drop Shadow that created a sort of pop effect on each photo. These are things that will be important to making your work stand out as something impressive and unique.

Introduction - About Me

My name is Casey Thibodeau. I'm a senior at Quinnipiac University majoring in Accounting. Originally, I am from South Windsor, Connecticut. I have been working at Beiersdorf, Inc. as a Finance Intern, Sales Controlling since May 2011. I am very interested in photography -- still have so much to learn with that though so I look forward to continuing my education in photography after graduating. I am taking this class because of my interest in photography. I feel that becoming more familiar with the tools used in this class can only help me in that area.

The image below represents me because it is one of my favorite photos I've taken since starting to get involved in photography. I've only been learning for about one year and this image was taken in April 2012. It has been re-sized using Image Size as we learned how to do in class last week.